How To Spend One Month in Cambodia

Wondering how to spend one month in Cambodia? You’re in the right place because i’ve figured it all out so you don’t have to. Here is the ultimate guide. I hope you enjoy it.

We traveled through Cambodia from south to north. You can go whichever way you like. If you decide to explore this county, there is one thing you must do before you go: learn about Cambodia’s history. I can recommend a movie called: First They Killed My Father. You’ll be shocked to learn about the history of this country that ended only 43 years ago in 1979. So let’s get started learning about how to spend one month in Cambodia.

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is where you’ll get the opportunity to learn about the dark history of Cambodia.

S21 Prison (Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum)

This is the most heartbreaking, grief-stricken place I’ve ever stepped foot inside. I thought the killing fields would be memorably horrific but nothing could have prepared me for the S21 Prison.

I cannot stress enough, how important it is to listen to the audio as you walk around.

I’ll never forget the things I’ve seen. You’ll never know the terrors that human beings are capable of until you enter this building. This school, that was quickly transformed into a torture prison, contains things that you couldn’t possibly imagine.

Killing Fields

I strongly advise not visiting the Killing Fields on the same day as the prison. Your heart needs a chance to recover from the sorrow.

The killing fields are lush and green. That cannot hide the appalling torture and mindless killing that took place here. Be sure to get the audio player and dress appropriately as you did at the prison.

Central Market

If you’re a market lover, you’ll love this extensive market filled to the brim with handmade and branded goods. You’ll find anything to Lululemon clothes and handmade gifts.If you’re a minimalist like me, you can enjoy walking around marvelling at the women standing between mountains of brightly coloured fabrics.

Russian Market 

This unusual little market is full of bargains and cheap food. It has a lot more of a local feel to it compared to the central market.



Green Cathedral

The Green Cathedral, a meandering river, was a highlight for me. There is something so peaceful about kayaking. We hired kayaks from the Retro Kampot guesthouse and took our time exploring the beautiful green waterways. Remember to only turn left or you’ll go off course and might not find your way back.

The people at the Retro Guesthouse are friendly and can give you even more information. You don’t need to be a guest, anyone is welcome to hire a kayak.

Sunset Cruise

Unfortunately, the person in charge of this cruise was away while we were in Kampot so we missed out on the sunset cruise. But we heard amazing things about it! If you end up going, message me on Instagram and tell me all about it!

Kayak on the river

While we were completing the green cathedral kayak route, we came across a floating pontoon with lots of kayaks and hammocks. The next day we came back on foot to sit and have a coconut on the hammocks and explored a different part of the river by kayak. It was wonderful and the perfect place to watch the rain plummet destructively into the river.

Bokor National Park/ Bokor Mountain

There are two ways to explore this beautiful national park. Hire a motor Bike or Hire a tuk-tuk driver for the day. These options are wonderful ways to explore the Mountain and surrounding areas.
Here are some key places to check out while you’re in the Bokor area:

The Old Catholic church

Wat Sampov Pran

Popokvil Waterfall

Bokor Hill Station

I know the weather in Cambodia can be unpredictable, but try and go on the clearest looking day possible. Once you’re out there you won’t find too much shelter and the views are impressive when they aren’t covered in a thick layer of fog.


Kampot Pepper Farm

If you’re looking for a free tour, check out Farm Link. It’s the closest one to the town and we found it very informative. There’s no pressure to leave a donation, but you are welcome to do so.

Arcadia Waterpark

Feeling brave? Want to meet people and having a drink whilst throwing yourself into the river from extreme heights? This is the place to be.

Salt Fields

I’ll never forget the beautiful sunset we experienced here. The sun reflects off the salt pools as you marvel over the process of how salt is made here. They take water from the sea, place it into perfect rectangular trenches, then the water evaporates in the sun and salt is left behind.It’s a magical place.

Koh Rong Sanloem

This is the perfect place to relax on the beach. The reason why we chose Koh Rong Sanloem instead of Koh Rong is that it’s far more quaint and less touristy. If you’re looking for a good party, stick to Koh Rong, if you’re looking for a secluded place to relax, choose Sanloem.

Sunset Beach Treck

Walk the jungle track to sunset beach. Wear closed shoes, bring insect repellent and bring enough water. If you’re not a confident jungle hiker, don’t attempt to walk back in the dark after sunset. If you are confident, bring a stick to send vibrations into the ground to scare away snakes and scorpions.

Lazy Beach

Walk the easy road to Lazy Beach. This was my favourite beach for swimming as the water was insanely clean and clear. The path is safe, easy and mostly flat.


Siem Reap

Angkor Wat

I couldn’t possibly write about how to spend one month in Cambodia without talking about Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. The temples were built in the early 12th century and was originally constructed as a Hindu temple. It transformed into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century.

We were lucky enough to be invited to explore the temples in a vintage Mercedes Benz. However, it’s very easy to organize a tuk-tuk driver for the day. Ask around to get an idea of a price or ask your hotel/ homestay and they may even be able to recommend a driver. You can either get a one day or a three-day pass. We got the three-day pass and it was well worth it.

Pub Street

I would say this was a highlight of Siem reap, however, its a great place to have a meal or a drink. You’ll also find the market very close by.

So that’s it! All of those things took us about a month to complete.

We loved our trip around Cambodia and hope you do too.

Thank you for reading this and I hope this has helped you figure out how to spend one month in Cambodia.

Travel courageously,

The Lost Girl


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