Strasbourg, France. Is It Worth Visiting?
There are loads of pretty, picture perfect villages in norther France… So is Strasbourg really worth visiting?
This blog post isn’t going to be a “Top 10 Things You Can Do in Strasbourg” kinda blog post. Because quite frankly, its places like this that are best explored by getting truly lost.
So i’ll show you some of the images I captures during our day in Strasbourg and then you can decide for yourself, whether its worth visiting.
I don’t know if it’s always like this but when we were there, the water made the most beautiful reflections so every single picture looked like something out of a fairytale! This particular spot is very a very popular instagrammable location and can be found in La Petite France
Place de la Cathédrale Square is probably the busiest part of Strasbourg but is definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area! The details on this building are absolutely incredible! It’s mind-blowing to think about how old it actually is!
The hornbeam arbour in the Orangerie park is a lovely place to get a bit of peace and quiet. At least it was when we were there. The whole of the park was a really nice place to wander around. We arent really city people so this was actually one of our favourite parts.
I always thought fairgrounds were a little big ugly until we came here. This one in the city centre had a really vintage feel to it and it was magical to see. I was so excited while capturing these images and if I had one regret from France it was that I didn’t have a ride on this beautiful carousel.
So overall I really do recommend visiting Strasbourg. I have no idea what it would be like in the summer, but to me, this city has a really cosy wintery feel to it. You woudln’t really need more than a day here in my opinion. I hope you’ve found this helpful and I hope its helped you decide if this is a place you’d like to visit.